Please take a look at these helpful videos below to help keep you safe and up to date with what is happening.
Have a lovely, happy safe Christmas!
Please find details below of 4 new videos: 3 for people with learning disabilities and 1 for carers.
- Explaining the Tier system in England.
This video is for people with learning disabilities to help them understand about the tier system in place in England. It describes what you can and can’t do.
- Making Friends with your Face Mask
This video is for people with learning disabilities to help them understand why wearing a face mask is important, how to find a face mask that suits them and how to get used to wearing it.
- Supporting a person with a learning disability to wear a face mask
This video is for family members or carers of people with learning disabilities to help them understand why wearing a face mask is important, how to find a face mask that suits the person they support and how to help them get used to wearing it.
- Christmas Bubbles – explaining the coronavirus rules over Christmas
This video is for people with learning disabilities to help them understand the rules on Christmas bubbles over the Christmas period.