Making sure you have the information you need to say yes or no!
City Hospitals in Sunderland want to help people who have learning disabilities to understand as much about their care and treatment as they can. They have developed a leaflet that helps you to understand the choices that you might need to make, for example to have an operation or not.
The leaflet will suggest who can help you make choices and decisions and information about the process that should be followed.
Please click on the link below to download the leaflet.
Making choices Easy Read – final – 2019
We have recently developed a leaflet for people with a learning disability and their carers who may need more information about the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards also known as DOLs.
DOLs Easy Read – 2019

Acute Hospitals in Sunderland
Acute Liaison Service
Getting Ready for my Visit to Hospital
Getting Ready for my Stay in Hospital
Getting Ready for Home
Advice and Complaints Service
Making Choices About my Health and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
My Care Passport
The Chest Clinic
Department of Same Day Admissions