Providing useful information for people with learning disabilities, their carers and all health professionals

Archive: 2016

Free Event on the 28th of April for People with learning disabilities and their carers!

There will be a free event taking place in Newcastle on the 28th of April in Newcastle for people with a learning disability and their carers.

The event will tell you how well people with learning disabilities are been looked after by their GP practice.

Please click on the flyer for more information and on the application form to book your place.

GPES event flyer_Newcastle

Application form for Event on the 28th April

New information for people with learning disabilities about the transforming care work!

A new booklet by the National Forum of people with Learning Disabilities and the National Valuing Families Forum

There is a new information booklet that the Forums have been working on together.

It is called ‘Hospitals are not homes’ and you can find it here:

The booklet is to help people work together on the Transforming Care work.

The Transforming Care work is about better care and support for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. The work started after the abuse of people at Winterbourne View.

We have made the booklet to help people know about the work and to help people check on the work that is happening in their local area.

We think it is really important that people with learning disabilities and people with autism and their families can be part of the work. The booklet should help people know:

  • What should be happening
  • Who to speak to
  • What questions they can ask

Are you taking the right medication for you?

As part of a piece of work, a review is to be carried out on how medicines meant for people with mental health conditions are being given to people with learning disabilities to help with how they feel, act or behave.

Click on the link below to find out more.

Psychotropic medication

New Information added today on Cervical Screening/ Smear Tests.

It is often really difficut for women with a learning disability to understand why it is important to have a smear test and what it involves. We have added some easy read information to our screening section of the website today and we hope you find this useful.

Having a smear test.

We have also added information to The Going to the Doctors section, so doctors, practice nurses, parents and carers have more information about helping someone to go along for a smear test.


Huge thank you to Sharon Bell and the Surgical Day Case Unit City Hospitals

Sharon Bell a member of Sunderland People First helped us this morning to produce an accessible leaflet for Community Dentistry and the Surgical Day Case Unit at City Hospitals Sunderland. Sharon posed for us while we took photographs for a leaflet we are in the process of making to help people with learning disabilities understand what it is like to come into hospital.

Sharon was a great patient and fortunately did not really have an operation today!   Thank you to you all !



Sharon 2 theatre

Rate My Health Check

If you have had an annual health check lately or you are going to be having one this year we would really like you to tell us about it.

You can do this in two ways.

After you come out of the annual health check fill in the questionnaire and post it in the box at reception. Ask the person who did your check for a questionnaire or you can print one off here or in the Going to the Doctors section.

Rate my Health check 

You can also fill it online in the Going to the Doctors section.

Its really important that we hear your views so we can make sure these checks are good.

Attention – We now have RECITE ME on our website!

We have now added Recite Me to the website. This is a fantastic system that allows you to click on the SPEAK button and all of the text on the pages and documents will be spoken to you.

As you will agree for people who can not read or have some sight impairment this is a fantastic idea!

It will also make the text size larger and change the background colours if you find this easier.

Let us know what you think about it!

Easy Read Health Action Plans

Contact Us

  • Health Promotion Team
  • Ground Floor
  • Monkwearmouth Hospital
  • Newcastle Road
  • Sunderland, SR5 1NB
Telephone 07468 710819

Make an Enquiry

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